안녕하세요, @jayplayco 입니다.
@lucky2님이 이번 하드포크 20에 의한 보팅 규칙 변경된 사항에 대해서 정리를 요청하셔서 정리 들어갑니다. ^^
1. 보팅은 언제부터?
HF20이전에는 30분후에 보팅을 해야했습니다. **HF-20이후부터는 15분 후에 하시면 됩니다.** >Velocity Hardfork will reduce the curation window from 30 minutes to 15 minutes.2. 셀봇은?
셀봇에 대해 맞다 틀리다를 떠나서 여기서는 그냥 기술적으로 적용시켜서 어떤 현상이 발생하는지만 보겠습니다. 이전에는 셀봇을 했을때 글을 올리자마자 셀봇하는 것이 가장 유리했습니다. 30분 이내로 셀봇시 큐레이션 리워드는 글 작성자, 즉 저자에게 돌아가게 되어있었습니다. 저는 그래서 가끔 저자에게 보상을 더 많이 주기 위해서 일부러 30분 이내로 업보팅 하는 경우가 많았습니다.HF-20이후에는 15분 이내에 셀봇할 경우 큐레이션 리워드는 전체 풀로 돌아가게 됩니다. 즉, 큐레이션 리워드는 저자에게 안돌아갑니다.
그래서 셀봇시 최적화를 원하시는 분은 15분 후에 셀봇을 해야합니다.
the portion of curation rewards that is not given to the curators due to the early voting penalty will be returned to the rewards pool instead of being awarded to the author
소스 : https://steemit.com/steem/@steemitblog/steem-velocity-hardfork-hardfork-20
하기는 하포20 스팀잇블로그 계정에서 언급했던 내용의 영문 전체본입니다.
Curation Updates
30-minute Curation Window
Steem account holders (including bot accounts) are currently disincentivized by the Steem blockchain from voting on a post within the first 30 minutes. The earlier a vote is made within the initial 30-minute window, the less curation rewards the voting account receives. This was originally introduced to even the playing field between human curators and bots during a time when the majority of the content on Steem was long-form written content.
While successful, much has changed on Steem since that time. Steem now hosts all kinds of content, and powers hundreds of decentralized applications which dramatically expand the types of content that can be consumed on Steem. Because of this, the community and the witnesses have come to a consensus that the 30-minute rule is taking curation rewards away from human voters who are actively consuming content and voting on material they like. For this reason, the Velocity Hardfork will reduce the curation window from 30 minutes to 15 minutes.
Self-Voting Rewards
According to the current blockchain rules, if authors vote for themselves immediately, they get their author rewards, 100% of the curation rewards from their vote, and a portion of the curation rewards coming from everyone who votes for the post after them. Any other curator voting at the same time as the author would get 0% of the curation rewards. This gives the author an unfair advantage over other curators, because the author can earn additional curation rewards through self-voting.
In order to eliminate this advantage, the portion of curation rewards that is not given to the curators due to the early voting penalty will be returned to the rewards pool instead of being awarded to the author, thereby increasing the overall percentage of rewards paid to curators. This will better serve the original mission of the curation rewards budget: to ensure that the Steem blockchain distributes rewards to the most valuable content.