[위드캐쉬] SMT의 미래가 손에 잡히다.


안녕하세요, @jayplayco 입니다.

테스트를 위해서 처음으로 스팀엔진상에서 발행및 서브 페이지가 만들어진 weedcash 네트워크에서 포스팅을 올려봅니다. 그간 스팀엔진에서 만든 스캇봇에 기능및 스팀잇 페이지의 미러를 만들어서 따로 커뮤니티를 생성할 수 있는 기능에 대해서 설명을 드렸으나, 사실상 몸으로 체험을 하니까 반응들이 확연이 다르네요 ^^.

실제로 현재 위드캐스의 경우 대부분의 글이 한글글로 올라오는것도 위드캐시가 처음으로 스캇봇을 이용해 자체 토큰을 뿌리고 있으며 KR의 선봉자분들 답게 미리미리 치고 들어가신 분들이 많아서 그에 대한 소개글도 많네요.

언제나와 같이 간단히 정리드리고, 필요한 글들도 같이 링크를 걸겠습니다.

0. 위드캐시란?


우선 이 사이트는 기본적으로 대마에 관한 내용을 공유하는 사이트입니다. 한국은 아니지만, 해외 일부 국가에서는 의료용 대마초와 일반 대마초가 합법화된 국가(미국의 경우는 특정 주)가 있기 때문입니다. 커뮤니티의 성격보다 더욱 특이한 것은 사실상 위드캐스는 스팀엔진상 토큰을 이용해 스캇봇이 제공해주는 스팀잇의 미러를 (즉 다른 URL에서 위드캐스 관련된 글만 보이는) 서비스도 같이 쓰고 있다는 것입니다.

이는 위드캐시 태그를 쓰는 글만 위드캐시에서 보이게 되는 특징이 있으며, 또한 업보팅 또한 스팀으로 보이는 것이 아니라 위드캐스로 보이는 특징이 있습니다.


1. 스팀의 스팀잇과 다른점은?

이전 글에서도 언급을 드렸습니다만, 스팀엔진상에서 돌아가는 스캇봇 (즉, 스팀엔진의 SMT 버젼)은 몇가지 중요한 parameter에 대한 조절이 가능합니다.

  • Payout 기간 (예를 들어 Weedcash는 24시간후 payout)
  • Staking 기간 (예를 들어 Weedcash는 42일동안 6번에 나눠서 unstaking)
  • 리워드 비율 (예를 들어 스팀은 업보팅 75:25, 다른 코인은 50:50 이나 30:70 같은것도 가능함)
    (상세한 사항은 : https://steemit.com/steem-engine/@holger80/scotbot-parameter-manual)

2. 주의해야할 점

  • 스테이킹된 스팀엔진 토큰은 해당 태그를 써야지만 업보팅이 됩니다. 상세한 분석은 @blockchainstudio 님께서 여기 영어로 (ㅎㅎㅎ) 하셨습니다.
  • 스테킹된 토큰을 보유하고 태그를 쓴 포스팅에 업보팅을 할경우 스팀+태그토큰이 업보팅 됩니다.
    (예: weedcash 토큰을 스테이킹 했고, weedcash 태그가 걸린 글에 업보팅을 함 => 스팀과 weedcash가 동시에 업보팅되며 동률 %로 업보팅됨.)
  • 양방보팅에 대한 것은 @virus707님에 이글을 참조하시면 됩니다.

3. 개인적인 생각

역시 사람은 몸으로 보고 느껴야지 가장 잘 다가오는 것 같습니다. SMT와 스팀엔진, 스캇봇에 대해서 많이 쓰고 설명했지만, 실제 제품이 나오고 사용자들이 썼을 때의 파급효과는 역시 완전 다르군요. 위드캐시가 실제로 KR 사용자들이 주로 쓸 커뮤니티가 될 것으로 예상되지는 않습니다만 (주제가..주제가…) 채굴용으로는 많이들 들어가실 듯 합니다. 이에 따른 어뷰징 효과로 어떻게 대응이 될지도 주목해야겠고요.

스팀재단측에서도 MIRA를 이제 런칭하고 다음 작업으로 SMT에 집중한다고 했고, @aggroed와 팀의 선전으로 스팀엔진상에서 스캇봇을 이용해서 미래의 SMT를 이미 오늘 체험할 수 있게 했으며 실제로 사용할 수 있는 환경을 만들어줬습니다. 오히려 여러 테스트를 통해서 장/단점에 대한 도출도 빠를 것으로 보이고 이에 따라 더욱 성숙한 SMT가 런칭될 수 있을 것으로 생각됩니다.

어느 분이 그러더군요, 희망이 없는데 희망에만 찬 이야기는 안좋다고요. 필자의 경우도 현실은 잘 보고 있습니다. 스팀 재단이 가는 방향도 보고 있고요. 하지만 스팀상에서 절대로 배제할 수 없는 것은 실질적인 커뮤니티의 파워입니다. 이런 종류의 파워를 가진 암호화폐 커뮤니티는 어디에도 없다고 생각합니다. 결국은 스팀상에서 댑들과 커뮤니티가 스팀을 하드캐리할 것으로 예상되기 때문에, 저는 지속적으로 희망찬 이야기를 합니다.

SMT 가즈아~

4. 위드캐시와 스팀엔진 관련 유용한 링크

파티코 글 쓰기 테스트

@jayplayco 입니다.

스팀잇은 사실상 데스크탑에서 글을 쓰는게 익숙해져 있어 파티코를 이용해서 어디까지 편집 및 글 쓰기가 되는지 실험을 해보고자 글을 씁니다.

우선 마크다운 쓰는것은 그냥 명령어를 외웠을때는 크게 무리는 없는 것 같습니다.

제목쓰기도 크게 무리없음.

단, 추가적인 이미지를 삽입하는 것은 파티코론 쉽지 않은 것 같네요. 파티코는 기본적으로 사진을 하나만 넣도록 세팅되어 있어서 추가적인 사진은 링크를 따서 넣을 수 밖에 없을 것 같습니다.

아마도 간단하게 소식 전하는 글은 무리가 없을 듯 하나, 정리글이나 사진을 많이 써야하는 뉴스성 글은 그래도 데스크탑에서 작업이 되어야 할 것 같습니다.

Posted using Partiko iOS

[해킹] 바이낸스 7000비트코인 해킹

안녕하세요, @jayplayco입니다.

거래소중 가장 큰 규모를 자랑하는 바이낸스가 핫월렛이 해킹을 당했다고 합니다. 해커들은 비교적 깊숙하게 들어가서 기다리고 여러 계정을 동원해서 해킹을 진행한것으로 확인되었습니다. 우선 바이낸스측은 서버 점검에 들어갔습니다.
핵심은 다음과 같습니다.

  • 총 7천비트코인 (4천만불, 467억원)어치의 비트코인 해킹당함
  • 바이낸스측에서 Secure Asset Fund for Users (SAFU)에서 모든 비용을 충당하기 때문에 사용자들에게는 손해가 없다고 발표

바이낸스의 대표 CZ과 친분이 있는 트론 재단의 저스틴 선은 7000비트코인어치의 USDT를 바이낸스에 입금해서 각종 코인을 사겠다고 발표함. FUD가 퍼지지 않기 위한 조력적인 조치임.

개인적인 생각

많은 돈이 있는 거래소의 경우는 언제라도 해킹 위협에 노출되어 있습니다. 다만 차이점이라면 바이낸스처럼 안정장치와 그에 따른 책임으로 사용자에게 해가 가지 않을것인가 그냥 문을 닫을것인가의 차이인듯 합니다.

암호화폐 자산은 안전한 개인지갑에 오프라인으로 보관 고고고~ ^^

[JJM] Today's update 2019-04-29 -Discord Channel opened

Important information and daily charts have been introduced from the account @jayplayco but will from now on be informed directly from the @jjm13 account, as we think that it will make it easier for JJM holders to gather information.
  • Steem Power: We have now undelegated another 50K SP which will return at first of May. It will make the total SP of the @virus707 account 550K SP
  • The upvoting platform for JJM tournaments is now ready and had been tested live within our last tournament.
  • We are having currently a poll how we should distribute the dividends this time. In Steem or JJM?. For further information please refer to this link.
  • We have opened a discord channel for the international JJM holders to be able to answer questions directly.
    => https://discord.gg/kN6FgwB
  • If you are a holder of JJM, you may manually verify it on the #verification-jjm-holder channel to get the JJM-Holder badge :)
  • Logo change: We have now an official logo for JJM, which is showing two hands holding together and giving trust to each other.
The JJM Chart is showing the following data. * Price : 0.23 Steem / JJM * Compared before day: + 2,620 JJM (JJM tokens added to the total volume compared to the day before) * Total Qty: 1,800,941 JJM (Total Qty in Market holding without locked-up Qty and found Qty.) * JJM holders: 196 accounts (except the founders' accounts) * The current Market value (except founders Qty.) translates to a holders market cap of 414,216.43 STEEM = 147,419USD (Steem 0.355USD : [Source](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/steem?utm_content=steem&utm_medium=search_coin&utm_source=coingecko) / @coingecko) * Details can be found under https://passionbull.github.io/jjm-list/ made by @jacobyu

JJM is open for block deals, as bigger amounts of JJM would directly increase the price. We have an average about 1-2 block deals per day in value between 2-5K Steem. Anyone interested in bigger block deals is free to get directly in contact with @jayplayco at in Discord. Block deals are matched with the actual market price of JJM. The minimum amount for a block deal is 10K JJM.

1. Events


The third Steemmonsters tournament had been held successfully and we had 107 players checked in.
Congrats to the winner of the tournament @hendersonp who is now also an honorable member of holding a TROPHY token.

Unfortunately, nobody was able to guess that @hendersonp would win the tournament, so in total 1000 JJM will be moved as a jackpot to the next tournament, which is planned to be opened in 2 weeks.


JJM BLAST ,Beyond the limits!

2. Dividends

  • There are currently 1,753 Steem and 383.4SP and 14.57 SBD in the @jjm13 dividends account.
  • We are using the holders based on the list at https://passionbull.github.io/jjm-list/
  • If we count all SP, SBD, and Steem we have in total 2,166 Steem
  • On this base for each 832 JJM = 1 Steem could be distributed as dividend. (circulating 1,800,941JJM / 1,753 Steem)
  • The distribution will happen after the 3rd of May - new announcement about it)

3. Important information

[JJM] Today's update 2019-04-23 - Important Announcement

There have been several important parts that need to be announced, as it was already discussed to the Korean community.
  • Steem Power-Up: There have been additional Block Deals and the current Steempower of the main account @virus707 is currently 550K SP (up of 50K SP)
  • Upvoting is not really the main business of JJM, but the only current part that is visible. The vision of JJM is much bigger but to gain direct trust we are proving and showing that we are powering up the main part of the income.
  • This means that JJM is growing together with Steem, as our main strategy is to powering up the Steem as investment.
  • Dividends: The @jjm13 account is holding the dividends for JJM holders. Due to the fact that the SP is also calculated into the dividends, it is difficult to power it down and distribute it. Therefore the account virus707 will “buy” the SP from JJM13 to liquidate it directly. Afterward, the bought SP from @virus707 will be excluded from the dividends.
  • We are currently preparing an MVP to represent the vision we have for Steem and JJM. Based on this MVP there will be another Presale happening for JJM
  • After this Presale the voting rules will change fundamentally, as the main base would be a dividend base business model, the upvoting business model will fade out.
The JJM Chart is showing the following data. * Price : 0.19 Steem / JJM * Compared before day: + 52,063 JJM (JJM tokens added to the total volume compared to the day before) * Total Qty: 1,651,347 JJM (Total Qty in Market holding without locked-up Qty and found Qty.) * JJM holders: 178 accounts (except the founders' accounts) * The current Market value (except founders Qty.) translates to a holders market cap of 313,755.93 STEEM = 128,639USD (Steem 0.41USD : [Source](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/steem?utm_content=steem&utm_medium=search_coin&utm_source=coingecko) / @coingecko) * Details can be found under https://passionbull.github.io/jjm-list/ made by @jacobyu

JJM is open for block deals, as bigger amounts of JJM would directly increase the price. We had in the last few days several block deals which ended up in a total of 50K Steem. Anyone interested in bigger block deals is free to get directly in contact with @jayplayco at Telegram or may leave a message. Block deals are matched with the actual market price of JJM. The minimum amount for a block deal is 10K Steem.

1. Events

The third Steemmonsters tournament is planned for this weekend, so stay tuned for @glory7 entry of the tournament.

STEEMMONSTERS , JJM BLAST ,Beyond the limits!

2. Dividends

  • There are currently 1,153 Steem and 284SP and no SBD in the @jjm13 dividends account.
  • We are using the holders based on the list at https://passionbull.github.io/jjm-list/
  • If we count all SP, SBD, and Steem we have in total 1,438 Steem
  • On this base for each 1,148 JJM = 1 Steem could be distributed as dividend. (circulating 1,651,347JJM / 1,438 Steem)
  • The distribution will happen when 1000 JJM could be distributed 1 Steem (please read the new announcement about it)

3. Important information

[칠순잔치] 드디어 레퓨 70을 달성했네요 ^^


안녕하세요, @jayplayco 입니다. 사실상 스팀잇의 레퓨는 봇만 몇번 쓰면 금방 올라가기는 합니다만, 아직까지 한번도 직접 봇을 쓰지 않고 드디어 레퓨 70을 달성했네요. ^^

지금까지 스팀잇에서 많은 분들의 도움으로 이렇게 성장할 수 있게 도와주셔서 정말 감사드립니다.
조금은 개인적인 기록을 위해서 다음과 같이 정리해봅니다.

  • 계정 생성 : 338일전 (2018년 5월)
  • ID 번호 : 1,000,191번 (백만번째 계정 이후 191번째 생성된 계정이네요 ㅎㅎ)
  • 지금까지 쓴 글 : 232개의 글, 3,877개의 댓글
  • 지금까지 보팅 : 4,180개의 보팅을 함 / 24,714개의 보팅을 받음
  • 팔로워 : 888명 (중국에서는 좋은 숫자겠네요 ^^)
  • 큐레이션 SP 수입 총 기간: 175.86 SP
  • 글에 의한 SP 수입 총 기간 : 7,287 SP

그동안 해왔던 주요 스팀상에서의 활동들

  • 스팀헌트 모더레이션과 커뮤니티 매니저
  • JJM
  • 트립스팀 / Kpop스팀 오프라인 모임
  • 스팀몬스터 KR
  • 피크몬 KR
  • 그외 스팀상에서 일어나는 일반적인 일에 대한 관심 ^^

정도네요. 다음 일정은 팔순일텐데 아마도 수년이 걸릴것 같네요 ^^ (실제 이룬 분들 몇분 못 봤습니다 아직은 ㅎㅎ)

[JJM] Today's update 2019-04-19

The JJM Chart is showing the following data. * Price : 0.175 Steem / JJM * Compared before day: +10,811 JJM (JJM tokens added to the total volume compared to the day before) * Total Qty: 1,569,171 JJM (Total Qty in Market holding without locked-up Qty and found Qty.) * JJM holders: 171 accounts (+1 account) (except the founders' accounts) * The current Market value (except founders Qty.) translates to a holders market cap of 274,604 STEEM (= 116,707USD (Steem 0.425USD : [Source](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/steem?utm_content=steem&utm_medium=search_coin&utm_source=coingecko) / @coingecko) * Details can be found under https://passionbull.github.io/jjm-list/ made by @jacobyu (has been upgraded and is now more detailed)

The circulating JJM has now a market cap of over 100K USD (six digit number). There had been also an introduction from @moncia90 to the Italian community about JJM.
Thanks a lot to @moncia90 for this great work.

We have a strong order book with both buy and sell orders.

1. Events

* [Steemmonsters Tournament Event](https://steempeak.com/steemmonsters/@jayplayco/jjm-steemmonsters-event-announcement-total-winning-10-000jjm-800-steem)

The next and third tournament is probably going to be postponed to next weeks weekend, as we are still tuning the voting and ranking system in the background. Please have a close look for @glory7’s post, as he is registering the tournaments.

STEEMMONSTERS , JJM BLAST ,Beyond the limits!

2. Dividends

* There are currently 783 Steem and 237SP and 25 SBD in the @jjm13 dividends account. * We are using the holders based on the list at https://passionbull.github.io/jjm-list/ * If we count all SP, SBD, and Steem we have in total 1,070 Steem * On this base for each 1466 JJM = 1 Steem could be distributed as dividend. (circulating 1,569,171JJM / 1,070 Steem) * The distribution will happen when 1000 JJM could be distributed 1 Steem (please read the [new announcement](https://steempeak.com/jjm/@jayplayco/jjm-announcements-15th-april-2019-dividend-rules) about it)

3. Important information

[JJM] Today's update 2019-04-16

The JJM Chart is showing the following data. * Price : 0.157 Steem / JJM * Compared before day: +8,192 JJM (JJM tokens added to the total volume compared to the day before) * Total Qty: 1,541,035 JJM (Total Qty in Market holding without locked-up Qty and found Qty.) * JJM holders: 163 accounts (-2 account) (except the founders' accounts) * The current Market value (except founders Qty.) translates to a holders market cap of 241,942STEEM (+12,016 STEEM = 99,196USD (Steem 0.41USD : [Source](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/steem?utm_content=steem&utm_medium=search_coin&utm_source=coingecko) / @coingecko) * Details can be found under https://passionbull.github.io/jjm-list/ made by @jacobyu

We have today a slight increase in price and additional JJM’s into the market which makes the circulation of JJM a total of 1,54 Million JJM.

We have a strong order book with both buy and sell orders.

1. Events

* [Steemmonsters Tournament Event](https://steempeak.com/steemmonsters/@jayplayco/jjm-steemmonsters-event-announcement-total-winning-10-000jjm-800-steem)

The next and third tournament is going to be at the end of this week, so have a close look for @glory’s post, as he is registering the tournaments.

We are also in the middle of preparing the voting platform for @steemmonsters players and hope that we will be able to show the first alpha end of this week, latest with the fourth tournament.

STEEMMONSTERS , JJM BLAST ,Beyond the limits!

2. Dividends

* There are currently 683 Steem and 197SP and 8.2 SBD in the @jjm13 dividends account. * We are using the holders based on the list at https://passionbull.github.io/jjm-list/ * If we count all SP, SBD, and Steem we have in total 896 Steem * On this base for each 1719 JJM = 1 Steem could be distributed as dividend. (circulating 1,541,035JJM / 896 Steem) * The distribution will happen when 1000 JJM could be distributed 1 Steem (please read the [new announcement](https://steempeak.com/jjm/@jayplayco/jjm-announcements-15th-april-2019-dividend-rules) about it)

3. Important information

[JJM] Today's update 2019-04-15 - JJM new dividend rules

The JJM Chart is showing the following data. * Price : 0.15 Steem / JJM * Compared before day: +68,454 JJM (JJM tokens added to the total volume compared to the day before) * Total Qty: 1,532,843 JJM (Total Qty in Market holding without locked-up Qty and found Qty.) * JJM holders: 165 accounts (+5 account) (except the founders' accounts) * The current Market value (except founders Qty.) translates to a holders market cap of 229,926 STEEM = 98,868USD (Steem 0.43USD : [Source](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/steem?utm_content=steem&utm_medium=search_coin&utm_source=coingecko) / @coingecko) * Details can be found under https://passionbull.github.io/jjm-list/ made by @jacobyu

JJM is open for block deals, as bigger amounts of JJM would directly increase the price. We had at 14th of April a block deal of 10K Steem (65,000JJM) and are going to open this kind of information to the JJM community. Anyone interested in bigger block deals is free to get directly in contact with @jayplayco at Telegram or may leave a message. Block deals are matched with the actual market price of JJM.

1. Events


The second Steemmonsters tournament has been held successfully and it was a pleasure to see new faces rising up on the first to third places in the JJM tournament.

  • @steallion made the first place and won in total 1000JJM. Only one user guessed and supported the right winner which was @banguri who took the whole 500 JJM as a winning prize. Congrats to both the winner and the supporter!!

  • 2nd place : @stiant

  • 3rd place : @pbj214

  • 4th place : @planosdeunacasa

  • 5th place : @willsaldeno

  • 6th place : @pacolimited

  • 7th place : @sensful

  • 8th place : @gfriend96

Congrats to all winners and thanks to all participants on the JJM tournament~!

STEEMMONSTERS , JJM BLAST ,Beyond the limits!

2. Dividends

  • There are currently 658 Steem and 177SP and no SBD in the @jjm13 dividends account.
  • We are using the holders based on the list at https://passionbull.github.io/jjm-list/
  • If we count all SP, SBD, and Steem we have in total 835 Steem
  • On this base for each 1836 JJM = 1 Steem could be distributed as dividend. (circulating 1,533,713JJM / 835 Steem)
  • The distribution will happen when 1000 JJM could be distributed 1 Steem (please read the new announcement about it)

3. Important information

[JJM] Announcements 15th April 2019 - Dividend Rules


Hi, @jayplayco here.

The current dividend rule was that the dividends will be distributed in uncertain cycles with an uncertain amount. Beginning from today this rule is changing as below.

  • The current rule of an uncertain cycle and amount of the distribution will be deleted.
  • The dividend amount is coming from the @jjm13 account.
  • The dividend will be distributed when a 1000 JJM holders could get a dividend equivalent to 1 Steem.
  • Information about will be also provided in “today’s JJM’ posts
  • Steem Power (SP) and Steem will be calculated 1:1 and Steem Power value will follow the market price.
  • As SP is difficult to convert directly into Steem, @virus707 will buy in @jjm13’s SP into Steem in 1:1.
  • This rules can and will change based on the change of dividends amount.

5. Disclaimer

  • Please be informed that these rules can change at any time, especially when the main account @virus707 is adding additional SP or the holder numbers are increasing.

3. Important information

STEEMMONSTERS , JJM BLAST ,Beyond the limits!

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