[KR] 간호대학생들 스팀잇 기반 동아리 창단 관련


안녕하세요, @jayplayco 입니다.

개인적으로 전혀 연관도 없고, 그냥 아침에 우연히 피드를 보다가 좋은 일인듯 하여 KR을 위해서도 널리 알려야 할 것 같아 이렇게 전달드립니다.

1. 발단

오치님의 약 8시간전에 올리신 글에 스팀 계정 필요하신 분들은 오치님의 개인 RC로 가능한데로 생성을 해주시겠다고는 포스팅이 올라왔습니다. (역시 오치님 @virus707 ^^)

2. @cyberrn 님의 댓글

  • TL;DR 버젼 : 50명 이상의 스팀잇 기반 간호대학생들 동아리 창단 준비를 하시는데, 계정 생성이 안되어 고생하고 계셔서 오치님께 일단 (줄여서) 계정 50개 생성 부탁하심.
  • 오치님께서 49개까지 해주실 수 있다고 (대박. ㅎㅎ) 하심. (글 쓰는 동안 댓글이 수정됨. ^^)

3. 해야할일

@cyberrn 님께서 현재 줄이고 줄여서 동아리 활동 50명으로 제한했다고 합니다. 저학년은 준비중이라서 아이디는 추가로 필요할 것으로 보입니다. 오치님께 50개 계정을 다 생성 가능하시지만, 한분 한분 남는 RC 동원하시면 @cyberrn 님께서 필요하신 Total 계정수 이상은 만들 수 있지 않을까 합니다.

제가 현재 RC로 claim해둔 3개 (네, 저는 쪼랩이라 이정도밖에 없네요 ㅎㅎ) 도 @cyberrn님께 제공해드리도록 하겠습니다.


4. 도와줄 수 있는 방법

  • 현재 RC로 1 계정생성시 약 4000스파정도가 필요합니다. (RC는 하루에 20%씩 회복합니다.)
  • 계정 클레임 방법 - https://steemconnect.com/sign/claim-account?fee=0.000 STEEM&extensions=[] 에 가셔서 (스파는 5천이상일때와 RC가 충분이 찼을때만 가능) 계정명과 액티브키 입력으로 계정을 claim (즉, 생성은 아직 안하고 예약확정하는 것) 합니다.
  • 댓글로 @cyberrn 님께 계정 몇개 생성 가능하신지를 알려주십니다. ^^
  • 계정 클레임과 생성할 수 있는 쉬운 방법 - https://steemworld.org/

5. Next Step

  • 계정 가능수 취합 -> @jayplayco
  • 생성해야할 아이디/생성자/생성한 계정 정보 송부장소 지정. @jayplayco to @cyberrn

KR 많은 분들의 도움 요청드립니다. ^^

6. 정리

KR의 정과 파워는 역시 대단한것 같습니다. 현재 @cyberrn님께 계정을 오치님 외에 지원하시겠다는 분들은 다음과 같습니다. (오치님글과 이 글에 댓글 다신것 정리합니다.)

  • @ wisdomandjustice 님 : 3-400개
  • @jaydih 님 : 150개
  • @glory7 님 : 50개
  • @june0620님 : 3개
  • @jayplayco : 3개

총 : 506개의 계정을 생성할 수 있게 되었습니다.

To: @cyberrn 님, 계정 생성 관련하여서는 상단에 오치님과 했던 방식과 비슷하게 직접 연락이 닿아서 필요한 계정의 ID와 이메일을 보내주시면 그분께서 계정을 생성하고 이메일로 (or 톡으로) 계정 정보를 보내드려야 하는 방식으로 진행이 되어야 할 겁니다.

ID 사용자분은 ID를 받고 마스터키를 한번 수정하시는 것을 적극 권장드립니다.

학생들이 활동하기 위해서 스파가 필요할텐데, 맛집 탐방이나 여행기를 쓰실 경우 @trips.teem 이나 @tasteem 에서 보팅이 들어가는 관계로 최소 필요한 15스파정도는 금방 모을 수 있습니다. (보통 트립스팀이나 테이스팀이 1STU-2STU사이의 보팅을 주는 관계로~ ^^)

[Steemhunt] First ever IEO for Steem based project starts in 3 days


Hi, @jayplayco here.

The first ever IEO for a Steem based project is starting in 3 days at IDCM KOREA. You can find the official announcement from IDCM at the following link.

0. Repository


1. IDCM Details

As @steemhunt has revealed, there are in total 4 IEO's planned at different exchanges and at least one exchange is going to list the HUNT token directly after the last IEO. We have now the information that IDCM and Probit are the first two exchanges and my personal guess is that Daybit is going to be one of the 4 IEO exchanges, but the last one is not revealed and there had been no breadcrumbs so far which exchange it could be.

Now the details for IDCM are released and I would like to share the information here.

IDCM IEO Details:

  • Start : KST 14th March 2019 12:00
  • Token Name: SteemHunt (HUNT)
  • Total Premium Coin Sale Supply: 3,750,000 HUNT
  • Premium Coin Sale Price: Prices in BTC, ETH, IT will be set on the day of the Sale.
  • Premium Coin Sale Links: www.idcmkorea.io/coinsale/home
    Source: IDCM Korea

IDCM will accept BTC, ETH and IT.

2. Marketing activities

In addition to the common marketing activities, @steemhunt also started to target crypto orientated customers in Korea. One of these marketing activities is to create a separate Chat room based on Kakao Talk, which is the main messenger used in South Korea. In collaboration with a big Crypto News and information site called [Cobak](https://cobak.co.kr/) they started an event to introduce Steemhunt to potential investors and users. Steemhunt is currently in the middle to create a wave between crypto investors and successfully gathered more than 800 interested users in their chat room within the first 20minutes of the first event.

It seems that the collaboration with Cobak is very powerful, as the requested event app registered more than 1300 users at the same time in this marketing event.


3. What can we expect?

Nobody can predict the market or the behavior of investors. But as we have already two exchanges for IEO’s announced and the next two around the corner, it looks quite good for this project. I was live participating at the “Cobac Event” and it was incredible to see how fast users joined not only the event but also the chat room. At the moment the chat room is at a level of about 830 users and there are more events planned to increase the attention (also with Cobac) for this chat room and Steemhunt.

These users may not be directly converted to Steem users, but looking into the “general” questions from normal crypto investors in the chat room you could see things like.

  • Is that Steem the same like “Steam” for games? (It is pronounced and written the same in Korean)
    • This means that normal Crypto investors do not really know what Steem is if they have not already invested in it.
  • I heart that there is something like “delegation”, but what is that?
    • They are interested, as this kind of investing is totally new to them.
  • Wow, Hunt token is for a top ranked Dapp.
    • We have several top Dapps based on Steem and it looks like that it is indeed a solid argument to attract investors.
![](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmTS6gJunVyub3k7WwXY1SAGz9hnzreZkwMMBsRUkR31D6/image.png) [Source: Coingecko](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/steem#panel)

A lot of Steemians may have recognized that the Steem price is rising again and we have to look close to the reasons. Based on the data from @coingecko, you can see that an estimated 60% of the trading volume in made in South Korea. We had a similar % when the last rising happened with Steem.

![](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmatgCLDpVt5EN2KTwiNguw8dghHJ3tGDfFyKU4GnsRyzb/image.png) [Source: Coingecko](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/steem#panel)

Different kind of Crypto Communities in South Korea “could” be partly responsible for this short bull run as there are views that Steem is currently undervalued.

Altogether, marketing for Steem based projects will reflect positively on the Steem economy in total and I am looking forward for the next few days, when the IEO for Steemhunt goes live and the next IEO exchange canditates are going to be revealed.

[스팀잇 재단] Elizabeth Powell Managing Director 인터뷰 내용

![](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmSGjWr5NZQM8rwkW92NLpT41g5Qrnfe7oVoiomvaacuY2/image.png) [Source: @coruscate](https://steemit.com/dtube/@coruscate/pmmz2t9p)
안녕하세요 @jayplayo 입니다.

미국 스티미언중 특히 @dtube에서 열정적으로 활동중인 @coruscate님의 인터뷰 시리즈중에 스팀잇 재단의 MD(Managing Director => 이전 한국어로 대표라는 표현을 썼는데, 회사와 상황에 따라 의미가 상이해져서 그냥 영문의 MD로 표현하겠습니다.) 와 인터뷰가 있어서 간단하게 요약드립니다.


1. 주요내용

질문: 다음 1년간 계획은?

  • 현재 스팀잇 재단은 사실상 “살아남기 모드”에 있다고 보면 됩니다.
  • 주요 타겟은 기존의 비용을 줄이는것에 있고 현재 목표의 75%정도는 달성한것으로 봅니다.
  • 지속적으로 Databank와 Mirror 최적화를 통해 API 비용을 줄이고자 합니다.
  • 비용 줄이기 작업이 완료되고 나서는 SMT 개발과 커뮤니티에 집중을 할 예정이며 이에 대한 스케쥴을 잡고자 합니다.
  • 추가로 이전 공지를 하지 않았던 것은 지갑을 컨덴서로 부터 분리할 예정입니다. (즉 지갑 부분이 따로 처리되어서 나온다는 이야기입니다. 광고를 넣는 과정에서 보안 문제때문에 진행하는 것 같은 느낌입니다.)
  • 또한 광고시스템 도입에도 박차를 가할 예정입니다. 현재는 로그인 안한 유저만 보이는데, 추후 로그인을 한 상태에서도 보이게 하고자 합니다.
  • 광고는 가능한 애드 네트워크보다 (구글 애드센스 같은) 우리가 내용을 컨트롤 할 수 있는 광고로 진행을 하고자 합니다.

질문: MD로 와서 잘한것은?

  • 스팀잇 재단의 파워다운을 멈춘것. 실제 우리가 커뮤니티의 목소리를 듣고 있다는 것을 직접적으로 증명했다고 생각합니다.
    ![](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmQtgprXQBMRWJ8qtVVbeH7154UhVAxHAFvZXKjr21tm45/image.png) [Source: @steemit 지갑](https://steemit.com/@steemit/transfers)
    (실제 22일전 파워다운을 중지했으며 정상적으로 총 스파의 10%만 파워다운을 하고 있습니다.)

기타 언급 내용

  • 커뮤니티에 직접적으로 참여할 시간이 많지 않으나 Discord, 스팀잇, Telegram, Slack등을 다 모니터링은 하고 있습니다.
  • 이번 4월 10-13일에 미국 오스틴에서 Global Block builders conference에 speaker로 출연해서 스팀잇에 대한 노출을 하고자 한다고 합니다. (https://globalblockbuilders.com/)
  • Andrew 라는 분이 현재 커뮤니케이션 HEAD로 임명되어서 @steemitblog를 통해서 소통하고 있음.

2. 개인적인 생각

스팀잇 재단이 깨어나서 다행이라고 생각합니다. 스파 파워다운을 통한 스팀 판매로 회사 운영의 한계가 있다는 것을 뒤늦게 깨닫고 빠르게 현금 흐름을 만들 수 있는 방안중 비용 절감과 광고 수입 최대화를 선택해서 가고 있습니다.

하지만 실제 스팀 생태계(즉, 스팀잇 재단이 책임지고 있는 부분)는 커뮤니티에 의해서 살아나고 이는 수많은 커뮤니티 기반 프로젝트들이 증명합니다.

  • SMT 기반 서비스 댑들 : @steemhunt, @trips.teem, @tasteem, @ntopaz등
  • 스팀 기반 게임댑들 : @steemmonsters, @drugwars
  • 미친듯이 쏟아져나오는 스팀기반 도박앱들

여기서 주목해야 할 것은 스팀 생태계가 살아나기 위해서는 새로운 유저들의 유입및 정착이 꼭 필요하며, 이는 꼭 스팀잇.com이라는 social media를 이용하기 보다는 STEEM economy와 생태계를 이용하는 유저가 많아져야 한다고 생각합니다.

  • 실제 도박앱들의 경우는 기존 스팀 유저들의 유입은 가능하나 외부 유저가 와서 정착하기 위한 수단으로는 쉽지 않을것으로 생각됩니다. 하지만 전반적으로 스팀 통화의 흐름에는 긍정적인 역할을 할 것으로 생각됩니다.
  • 스팀 기반 게임댑들의 경우도 장벽이 비교적 높긴 합니다. 스팀몬스터는 예를 들어 투자에 대한 장벽이 있습니다. (결국 높은 상금과 안정적인 NFT소각으로 해결이 가능하며, 현재 계획들이 수립이 되어는 있습니다.) 제가 EOS knights를 시작하기 까지 걸린 시간과 장벽을 고려하면 외부 유저들도 스팀 기반 게임 진입이 마찬가지일것으로 보입니다. (아 EOS Knights 투자는 망 ㅠㅠ - 역시 하려면 빨리 해야함) 드러그 워의 경우는 아직 매우 초기 단계라서 현 폰지형 모델에서 지속 가능한 모델로 (전투, 길드등으로) 빠르게 pivoting을 해줄지 기대해볼만 합니다.
  • 가장 진입 장벽이 낮은 것은 Niche별 서비스 기반 댑들인 스헌, 트립스팀, 테이스팀과 같은 프로젝트들입니다. 다만 이 프로젝트들의 경우는 제품은 있으나 현금흐름을 만드는 것이 가장 큰 과제라, 토큰의 private sale이던 IEO던 funding 성공을 통한 도약이 필요합니다.

이렇게 보듯, 커뮤니티에서 스팀 생태계 기반 비즈니스들이 하나둘씩 분위기를 형성하면서 생태계를 키워나가고 있고, 스팀잇 재단의 경우는 우선 살고 봐야겠지만, 비용 최적화와 광고 수입에 의한 현금 흐름을 빨리 만들고 나면 이런 커뮤니티 움직임에 대한 적극적인 생태계 지원을 해야 실질적으로 스팀 통화 가치의 상승이 이루어질 것으로 생각합니다. (인플레이션 되는 SMT좀 빨리 만들어주셈 ㅠㅠ)


[스팀헌트] IEO 10% 보너스 챙기기


안녕하세요 @jayplayco 입니다.

어제 스팀헌트의 @project7 님께서 스팀헌트 IEO 관련 공지를 했습니다. 중요내용 간략하게 정리드립니다.

원문글 : https://steemit.com/kr/@project7/ieo-10
제 영문 공지 : https://steemit.com/steemhunt/@jayplayco/steemhunt-ieo-coming-in-march
화이트페이퍼 한글본 : https://token.steemhunt.com/HUNT_Whitepaper_v1.1_KR.pdf
피치댁 (간략 요약버젼) : https://token.steemhunt.com/HUNT_Pitch_Deck_v1.2_KR.pdf

1. IEO 로드맵과 상세사항

간략하게 요약하면 IEO는 총 3번에 걸쳐 각각 3개의 거래소에서 할 예정이며 3월달 이내에 합니다. 마지막 거래소 IEO가 끝나고 나서 데이빗 거래소에 상장이 되는 것으로 예정되어 있습니다.

  • 판매 수량 : 5천만 헌트 토큰 (총 공급량의 10%)
  • IEO 토큰 가격 : 0.02 USD per token (약 22원)
  • IEO 라운드 : 3월 11-15일 / 3월 18-22 일 / 3월 25-29 일(거래소는 몇일내 공지 예정, 그중 하나는 데이빗일것으로 예상)
  • 하드캡 : 1백만 USD. (약 11억원)

헌트토큰의 현재 형성된 가격과 IEO 가격을 비교해보겠습니다.

스헌에서 제공하는 부스트 헌트 기능을 이용해서 현재의 헌트 토큰 거래 가격을 산출하면 우선 스팀헌트 계산 비율은 금일 1STU$에 19.91헌트 토큰을 줍니다. 이는 1 헌트토큰에 0.05 STU$의 가격이 시장에서 정해진 것입니다. 1 STU$가 1 USD는 아닌 관계로, 이에 대한 현재 USD 환산을 보면 @coingecko의 [가격을 바탕](https://coingecko.com/)으로 해보겠습니다. 제 글중 금일 보상이 3.757SP 와 1.259SBD 으로 총 3.95 STU$를 받는다고 합니다. 가격은 현재 스팀이 0.332USD와 SBD는 0.95USD 입니다. (금일 오전 기준으로 현재는 약간의 변화가 있기는 합니다.)
  • ((3.757SPx0.332USD)+(1.259SBDx0.95USD))/3.95STU$=0.618576 -> STU$를 USD로 환산하는 비율.
  • 1HUNT (0.05STU$) x 0.618576 = 0.0309USD

즉, 1 헌트토큰의 현재 시장 유통 가격은 약 0.031USD 이며 IEO에서 제공해주는 가격은 0.02USD 인 관계로 IEO시 취득시 약 50%의 이익입니다. 여기다가 스티미언들을 위한 10% 특별보너스 까지 챙길 경우 이익은 더욱 커집니다.

2. 스티미언들을 위한 10% 보너스

스팀헌트 측에서 스티미언”만”을 위한 특별 보너스를 만들어두었습니다. 참여를 위해서는 서둘러야 하는데요, 우선 27일 (명일)까지는 하기 구글 문서에 참여의사를 간단히 적어주셔야지 참가 요건이 됩니다.

참가 방법

  • 상단 구글 문서 설문조사를 27일 (한국시간) 까지 끝낸다.
  • 추후 IEO가 오픈되면 원하시는 거래소에서 IEO를 참가한다.
  • IEO에 참가한 인증 동영상을 이메일 admin@hunt.town으로 보내준다. (인증 동영상 관련하여서는 구매 영상을 찍어야 하는데, 이에 대한 상세 사항은 이메일로 따로 보내준다고 합니다.
  • 인증 동영상과 거래 내역 검증을 완료되면 구매 수량의 10%가 스팀헌트 지갑으로 전송~!

IEO 최종 거래소 정보는 이제 계약 마무리 단계에 있어 싸인이 되는 순간에 공개가 될 예정인것으로 보입니다.

스팀 SMT 기반 첫 프로젝트의 IEO라 꼭 성공적으로 마무리가 되었으면 합니다. 실제로 유저가 사용하고 제품이 사용되며 게임과 도박이 아닌 스팀 외부의 유저 유입이 가장 유력한 댑의 월 60-100K의 실 사용자를 갖춘 프로젝트의 펀딩인 만큼 스팀헌트 뿐만 아니라 스팀 전체 생태계에도 좋은 영향을 끼질 것으로 믿습니다.

IEO에 많은 참여 부탁드리며 곧 데이빗에 상장도 될 예정이라 www.daybit.com 계정 하나씩 파두시고요, www.steemhunt.com에 가셔서 각자 헌트 토큰 지갑도 한번씩 점검하는 시간을 가지시면 좋을 것 같습니다. 데이빗 상장되고 나서 www.coingecko.com에서 다른코인들과 비교해서 보실 수 도 있습니다. 많은 리스팀 부탁합니다~~ 널리 알려주세요!!

스팀헌트 가즈아~!

[Steemhunt] IEO coming in March


Hi, @jayplayco here.

@steemhunt just announced officially that they are going to start their IEO in March 2019 and that we will have the first SMT based project tokens listed officially on a centralized exchange.

To be able to initiate the IEO (Initial Exchange offering) Steemhunt needed to check all legal matters, as the HQ is located legally in South Korea.


Let’s dive into some facts and background.

0. Repository


1. The way to an IEO

![image.png](https://files.steempeak.com/file/steempeak/jayplayco/PurvZV8z-image.png) [Source: M. B. M.](https://unsplash.com/photos/ZzOa5G8hSPI)

Steemhunt is a service created and run by a company named BourbonShake Inc., officially registered in Seoul, Korea. Due to the fact that the South Korean government has still banned ICO’s in Korea, it is legally not possible to start an ICO as a Korean company. Steemhunt has been very keen on making the right steps to carefully grow the service with the community. The preparation of their token offering has been done the same way. The first step was to increase the holders of HUNT tokens, but not for speculators or dumpers but for real users. Steemhunt started an innovative approach and decided to airdrop 50% of the initial tokens mainly to users and contributors to the project. This had two effects.

  • Being able to market directly to your target group.
  • Being able to create actual value and needs for your token (as targeted users acted based on hunt tokens airdrop)

The airdrop was designed (and pivoted also) in different ways to engage the user base.

  • Delegation Airdrop (Sponsors) - HUNT tokens for delegated Steem Power
  • Steem Power Holder one time 1:1 Airdrop
  • Social Share Airdrop - A social media referral airdrop system
  • Voting Airdrop - Voting Hunts will reward not only Steem/SBD/SP but also HUNT tokens
  • Promotion Contributors - Rewarding contributors on different platforms. (Writing, Video, etc.)
  • Role Contributors - Rewarding HUNT tokens to community roles
  • Boosted HUNT - creating real value for HUNT tokens/ converting STEEM to HUNT

After creating value for HUNT tokens the next step was funding the project to step up to the next pillar. As ICO’s were not an option if Steemhunt was keeping the company in Korea the team looked into different kind of options.

IEO relies on running the necessary token funding process via exchange so that the project can save much time and resources dealing with the sales contract, KYC, and heavy marketing.
Source: @steemhunt

The biggest advantage of Steemhunt is, that they are running on a small and agile team. Co-running their project with the community and using HUNT tokens as an accelerator to reward contributors has been a core strategy to keep the project as effective and development concentrated as possible. But on the other hand, as funding is a matter of a lot of preparation and can be very time consuming, an actual full ICO would have been very difficult to run, so an IEO where most of the funding activities are outsourced to the exchange is actually a great strategy to go with.

2. Founding members and community

![image.png](https://files.steempeak.com/file/steempeak/jayplayco/OWggW2mJ-image.png) [Source: IT Chosun](http://it.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2018/05/03/2018050385056.html)
### - Sebastian Kim @tabris As one of the co-founders, Sebastian is overseeing the development of @steemhunt. He has been more than 6 years as a founder in different startups from Australia to South Korea and 8 years as a consultant for different projects. He is used developing on different platforms like iOS/Android and is also still putting the code into the Github repository.
![image.png](https://files.steempeak.com/file/steempeak/jayplayco/jBOQmjBi-image.png) [Source: Stateofthedapps](https://www.stateofthedapps.com/dapps/steemhunt)
If we check the dev activity on stateofthedapps.com we can see that the project is very active, even with all the preparations for their IEO. After meeting with Sebastian and working with him the last year I can say that Sebastian is a detail orientated professional with solid experience and deep insight into the Blockchain industry and behavior. As an expert in agile development, it was a pleasure to see the product pivoting from real life problems to solutions. He is able to adapt to situations and move forward with fast code implementations. Sebastian is one of the pillars that Steemhunt was able to develop and implement their own rewarding system and mechanism to avoid abusing (Hunter Score, ABV, Influencer Evaluation Score).

- YoungHwi Cho @project7

![image.png](https://files.steempeak.com/file/steempeak/jayplayco/QDArtt47-image.png) [Source: IT Chosun](http://it.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2018/03/23/2018032385002.html)

The other important pillar from @steemhunt is YoungHwi, better known in the Steem community as @project7. YoungHwi is a general thinker and capable of solving a diverse set of problems like design language, system implementation and impacts, and community integration. He is presenting creative ideas, outlining and drafting them, so that they can be adapted directly into the project. We have seen the pathways based on different pivots happening with Steemhunt. The outcomes of these pivots have been always successful or a fast path of FLEARN’s. (ABV, Hunter Score, Resteem Contributions, etc.) Also, the ability to implement small steps to the next iteration and close communication with the community is one of the great abilities that YoungHwi has shown and proved the eagerness to bring this project to a success.

- Community roles

The similarity to other Steem based projects, but a big differentiator compared to ICO's or other startups is that the community is heavily involved in the live product. I can sure say that @steemhunt would not be there where it is today if it was not for the founders. But it would also not exists if Steemhunt had not a passionate community. Members have taking over important roles and following the path from all over the world. They have been asked for feedback and this kind of communication had been melted into the code and established the typical Steemhunt community. One of the biggest assets and strength Steemhunt has is and will be also in the future this international community power.

3. Timelines and Details

There are in total three rounds planned on three different exchanges. After the last IEO on 29th of March, the HUNT token is going to be listed on DAYBIT exchange. Depending on the trading volume more exchanges are planned. The exact exchanges are not yet announced as the contracts are not yet fully signed, but it looks like that we will get that information in a few days.

  • Sales allocation: 50 Million HUNT tokens (10% of total supply)
  • IEO Sales price: 0.02 USD per token
  • IEO Round : 11-15 March / 18-22 March / 25-29 March (Exchanges to be announced)
  • Hard Cap: 1 Million USD.

We will have to look into the actual calculation for HUNT tokens and see how the IEO price compares to that.

The actual conversion rate on Steemhunt is 19.91 HUNT tokens per STU. This means that 1 HUNT tokens equal 0.05 STU $. Based on today's reward calculation I would get 3.757SP and 1.259SBD for 3.95 STU$. Current Steem price on @coingecko is 0.332USD and SBD is 0.95USD
  • ((3.757SPx0.332USD)+(1.259SBDx0.95USD))/3.95STU$=0.618576
  • 1HUNT (0.05STU$) x 0.618576 = 0.0309USD

This would mean that the current market price for a HUNT token is around 0.031 USD but the offered IEO is at 0.02USD, which is a gain of about 50%. If you are able to activate your special offer for Steemians (10%) your profit would be even bigger.

Special offer for Steemians

Steemhunt has prepared a special 10% Bonus for Steemians. To be able to participate in this event you will have to hurry up, as it is only going to be active until 27th of Feb (KST). Please follow the instruction here and commit your participation in the following document.

4. Conclusion

It is important to see how this IEO is going to show a new way of funding for Steem and SMT based projects. Not launching funding with a Whitepaper, but starting the product, growing the community and pivoting the product from an MVP to a stable stage and after that starting to think about funding means that you need to have a very long breath to keep your project alive until momentum. I wish the best for this IEO and also sure that we will have other successful SMT projects following this path.

[Steemhunt] Getting Pre-SMT projects on an exchange

Hi, @jayplayco here.

This week was full of exciting news and the biggest one was that Steemhunt was leading the initiative with other Steem based Dapps to create a trade market on an exchange for Pre-SMT projects. Let’s dive into the details and see why Steemhunt is currently trying to launch their IEO and HUNT token on an external exchange.

Source: SMT-Tokens Market Initiative in Daybit

0. Repository


1. Current PRE-SMT situation

At the beginning of 2018 it when Steemhunt started the business, it was estimated to get a fully working SMT latest in March 2019. As we know due to the change at Steemit Inc. the current development of the Steem blockchain is slowed down. The next milestone for SMT is currently a "light" SMT without a DEX and no inflation functionality. There is also no ETA (estimated arrival time) mentioned so that all Pre-SMT projects are currently operating without knowing exactly when they can deliver.

A problem is, that all Dapps with a planned own token economy are depending on SMT to move forward. One of the parts is funding for their projects. Steemit Inc. has seen the same issue when the Steem price went down as selling their Steem was their only revenue model. You need to have enough cash (FIAT) in your wallet to move forward with your project.

Steemit Inc. has decided to keep the priority in direct cash flow (advertisement on Steemit.com) and lowering the cost for running nodes so that also the community (or witnesses) are able to run full nodes at a much lower cost. SMT is also on the short term roadmap as light version, but as mentioned even the latest post from @steemitblog is not giving any mention for SMT.

To be able to fund a project, Steem based Dapps have currently two possible ways.

  • Create a token for swapping (ERC-20, EOS, TRON, etc.) into an SMT later.
  • Create a token with @steem-engine

Let’s see the differences between each option and the pro and cons.

2. Comparing Steem-engine tokens and Temporary SMT tokens

a. Steem-engine

https://steem-engine.com/ is a service to create tokens based on a side chain of Steem within minutes at a low cost. #### PRO * Easy interface * Low cost to issue token (100 Steem) * Steem sidechain based * no transaction cost * Open source * 5 min. token issuing possible * DEX planned * Keychain enabled (also included token information in Keychain) * custom smart contracts planned * fast transaction


  • No P2P consensus
  • separate Steem smart contracts software Link
  • Difficult access to external investors based on DEX.

b. Temporary SMT tokens

Temporary SMT tokens can be created on any other blockchain like Ethereum, Tron, EOS, etc. All of them would have the base promise that they would be swapped to SMT later. Even Steem-engine tokens could be used as temporary SMTs. But most of the projects have chosen ERC-20 tokens based on Ethereum. Let’s see why that is so.



  • ERC-20 standard is supported by many exchanges
  • More than 57 Million unique addresses are already available for ETH Link
  • Second biggest market cap with 15 Billion USD.
  • Easier access to exchanges to launch ERC-20 standard tokens
  • Wider access to investors


  • High transfer cost
  • Higher barrier creating a smart contract based on ERC-20

c. What is the best solution?

There is no golden goose nor a right answer what the right strategy is. It highly depends on how your project is strategically planned. If you have the power and influence to attract enough investors on your own channels and need a simple and effective solution, Steem-engine is a very good alternative. As you can see on the Pro-Cons list there are a ton of good points to use the Steem-engine token.

If that is not the case, it is much easier to convince a new investor to use a known centralized exchange to invest in a new token or coin. Even if there is no centralized exchange, it is definitely much easier to find an investor who has already an ETH address, where you could send your ERC-20 tokens.

3. The exchanges

![image.png](https://files.steempeak.com/file/steempeak/jayplayco/Qvc5WulU-image.png) [Source: Chris Liverani](https://unsplash.com/photos/dBI_My696Rk)

“Visibility doesn’t automatically translate into value, don’t just be everywhere, be where you are most needed.”
― Bernard Kelvin Clive

So in the end, funding is a very important part when choosing your strategy for your PRE-SMT token. The best would be, as an example, to be able to launch PRE-SMT’s directly on bigger exchanges like Binance or Upbit. Also, Gopax, registered as a third party exchange for Steem, would be a great partner. But here we are reaching the reality of the business world.

Steemhunt tried to contact Gopax but wasn’t able to establish a connection to move forward. A lot of different exchanges had been contacted to be able to launch a PRE-SMT token. But there are a few points that Steemhunt needed to make sure when negotiating with an exchange to be able to move forward.

  • Exchange needs to have the ability to launch ERC-20 tokens
  • Exchange should not be built on a white label solution (can’t swap the ERC-20 to a later SMT)
  • Exchange does need the development power to integrate later the SMT protocol for tokens.

But most importantly the exchange should have an understanding of the Steem economy and the will to grow together, as otherwise, it would be just another coin/token on their exchange.

If you look into the current Steem Volume more than 50% is done in South Korea.

![image.png](https://files.steempeak.com/file/steempeak/jayplayco/A8Xh6n15-image.png) [Source: Coingecko.com](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/steem/trading_exchanges#panel)

So it would be an advantage to get an exchange on board, who can understand also the Korean market quite well. Based on these factors Steemhunt has signed an MOU with Daybit.

4. MOU and Steem community power

The MOU between Steemhunt and [Daybit](https://daybit.page.link/eC9v48ERfH8XEwD57) is as following.
  • List Steem and SBD tokens on Daybit
  • List the temporary SMT tokens on Daybit (such as ERC20) with STEEM trade pairs
  • Support fundraising for SMT projects via IEO (Initial Exchange Offering)
  • Support token swap of those temporary tokens to the SMT version when it’s ready
  • Support fiat currency trade pairs for the SMT tokens that have enough market volume

A few users pointed out that Daybit is a very small exchange and if we see the volume it is indeed true. They have started a few months ago and made it into the top 20th globally, but the failure to protect the value of their own DAY token crashed the MAU numbers. A 50% burning of DAY tokens and launching FIAT (Korean Won) are measurements they have already taken to move forward. Additionally, a whole strategic realignment planned for March is coming to increase the volume on Daybit. Daybit themselves may be still small, but their mother company ChainPartners (working mainly in Blockchain business) is funded with over 13 Million USD, so that Daybit has still enough room to move forward and grow big.

![image.png](https://files.steempeak.com/file/steempeak/jayplayco/0CsDfOZf-image.png) [Source](https://thevc.kr/ChainPartners)

Another part is that Steem based Dapps have agreed to list their tokens on Daybit when the MOU becomes an agreement. If we have a look at the list of Dapps, we can see the combined power of Dapps from the Steem blockchain.

  • Steemhunt (@steemhunt) - Rank 14 / SP 1.81M
  • eSteem (@esteemapp) - Rank 9 / SP 0.55M
  • Utopian (@utopian-io) - Rank 341 / SP 3.61M
  • Actifit (@actifit) - Rank 15 / SP 0.28M
  • Fundition (@fundition) - Rank 25 / SP 1.03M
  • Tasteem (@tasteem) - Rank 83 / SP 1.09M
  • Tripsteem (@trips.teem) - Rank 125 / SP 0.19M
  • Dclick (@dclick) - Rank 57 / SP 0.17M
  • nTOPAZ (@ntopaz) - not ranked yet / SP 0.34M
  • Kpop Steem (@kpop-manager) - not ranked yet / SP 0.08M

We have in total 9.15M Steem Power in these Dapps, which is a huge amount of combined project power.

Also, @coingecko, who is since a while an active member on Steem, joined the force to make the tokens visible in co-working with Daybit on coingecko.com. This part is important to have visibility on the market and Coingecko with more than 9 Million visits per month looks like a good partner here.

![image.png](https://files.steempeak.com/file/steempeak/jayplayco/8ky1l1xu-image.png) [Source: Similarweb.com](https://www.similarweb.com/website/coingecko.com#overview)

5. Next Steps

![image.png](https://files.steempeak.com/file/steempeak/jayplayco/jxuKgH94-image.png) [Source: Cytonn Photography](https://unsplash.com/photos/GJao3ZTX9gU)

First of all, Steemhunt needs to negotiate with Daybit to close the deal and get a signed agreement. Until then, Steemhunt will need all kind of negotiation power to be able to convince the exchange. One part, all Steemians can do, is to vote for Steemhunt as a witness, as that would help them in their negotiation. If you haven’t voted yet, please find the link as below.

6. Conclusion

With their agile approach and proven track in pivoting their strategy successfully, I am personally convinced that Steemhunt will come to a positive result, not only for Steemhunt but for the whole Steem economy and Steem based Dapps. I am looking forward to trading not only HUNT tokens into Steem but also tokens from Utopian, Tripsteem or Tasteem and all other Dapps joining this force. It would be great to be able to establish Daybit as the first centralized exchange supporting real-world services with existing products and users. That would be the first step to expand the exchanges supporting SMT projects. The future for Steem and Steem based Dapps looks brighter than ever. Hope and wish the best that @elipowell and her team is able to keep the speed on development for SMT, as the community is moving forward.

[SBA] 스팀 비즈니스 얼라이언스 출범 - 대형 고래들의 협업과 비즈니스 전망

안녕하세요, @jayplayco 입니다.

바로 어제 Steem Business Alliance라는 단체가 출범하였습니다. 이를 주목해야 하는 것은 다음과 같은 업체들이 협업을 통해서 다른 스팀 기반 비즈니스과 새로운 유저의 온보딩 그리고 전체 스팀 이코노미에 대한 홍보와 마케팅을 위해 힘을 모았다는 것에 있습니다.

참여하는 계정들을 잠깐 살펴보겠습니다.


총 8,497,639, 즉 거의 8백5십만 스파를 보유한 비즈니스들이 모여서 힘을 모았다는것에 주목해야 할 것으로 보입니다.

0. 원본 소스

공식 계정 : @steemba

하기 글은 원문을 바탕으로 개인적인 의견을 반영한 글입니다. (1:1 번역이 아님을 알려드립니다. ^^)

1. 배경

이들은 어떻게 해서 이렇게 힘을 합치게 되었을까? 작년 11월 폴란드에 있었던 스팀페스트에서 이들은 발표를 하고 서로를 직접 보면서 만나볼 수 있는 기회가 있었습니다. 이때 이들은 같이 일하면서 힘을 합치고 스팀을 홍보하는것이 새로운 유저, 개발자, 비즈니스와 투자자를 끌어들이기 좋다는 결론에 이르게 되었습니다. 개인적으로는 현재 스팀잇의 행보에 따른 움직임도 영향이 있었을것으로 보입니다.

이후 전세계에 흩어진 팀들은 온라인으로 주간 미팅으로 하고 (예상으로는 디스코트에서 열심히 회으를 했을 듯 ㅎㅎ) 어떻게 하면 좋을지를 논의합니다. SBA가 제대로 출범하고 나서 다른 댑(스팀 기반 수익형 프로젝트)들도 똑같이 가입을 가능하고자 합니다.

2. 스팀 비즈니스 얼라이언스(SBA)란?

스팀 블록체인을 기반으로 하고 이익을 추구가 목표인 등록된 사업체를 위한 단체입니다. 상호간 전략, 리소스, 교육 및 경험을 공유하는 것으로 관심있는 멤버들에게 도움을 주고자 하는 것입니다. 즉, 예를 들어 @jayplayco가 스팀 기반 비즈니스를 시작하는데 어디서부터 시작해야할지, 아니면 유저를 새로 온보딩 해야하는데 스팀 계정때문에 힘들다 등이 있으면 SBA에 가입을 하고 도움을 받을 수 있다는 것입니다. 예를 들어 블랙 유저들의 경우 차단 하는 방법들이 다양한데, 각 사업체들의 노하우 전수도 가능하고, 심지어 스팀헌트의 경우는 오픈소스인 관계로 도입도 가능합니다. (현재 사용자 블랙리스트는 API를 통해 요청시 제공합니다.)

3. 목표

어차피 스팀 기반 사업체들은 스팀의 가치 상승과 직/간접적으로 연관이 되어 있습니다. 그렇게 때문에 SBA도 스팀의 가치 상승과 더불어 새로운 창업자나 기존 사업체 운영자분들도 서로의 성공이 이익이 될것으로 보고 있습니다. 핵심은 다음과 같습니다.

  • 새로운 스티미언 유입 - 정말 절실하긴 합니다. 팀들이 모이면 스팀 가입이 RC 공유로(?)로 조금더 간편해질것 같고, 블랙리스트 API 공유로 불필요한 자원 낭비를 막을 수 있을것 같습니다. 그리고 사실 가장 중요한 것은 스팀 외부에서 더욱더 많은 스팀 유저를 유입하기 위해서는 개인적으로는 스팀잇의 유입도 있어야겠지만, 각각의 스팀 기반 서비스가 스팀계정을 구글 로그인같이 사용할 수 있도록, 즉 사용자는 가입할때만 “편하게” 스팀 계정으로 로그인하고 그 이후는 스팀관련 잘 몰라도 서비스를 이용하는게 핵심일 것으로 보입니다.

  • STEEM 투자자 유입 -사실상 이것을 위해서는 2가지 방법 정도가 있는 것으로 생각됩니다. 하나는 전체적으로 암호화폐 시장이 다시 살아나는것이고 (이는 아무도 언제가 될지 모르니, 적어도 스팀잇이나 스팀을 쓰시는 분들중에서는 이를 불러올 수 있는 분은 없는 것으로 추정됩니다….) 그리고 다른 한가지는 스팀 기반 수익형 Dapp들중 메가히트가 많이 나와야 한다는 것입니다. 현재는 가장 많은 관심은 도박앱들이나 게임댑들이 있는 것은 사실이나, 전체적인 대중을 타켓해서 끌어오기 위해서는 외부 유입이 절실하게 필요한 @steemhunt, @fundition 이나 @trips.teem @tasteem @ntopaz 같은 프로젝트들이 성공을 꼭 해야합니다.

  • 개발자 유입 - 개발자들이 스팀 관련 프로그래밍을 하기 위해서는 여기저기 흩어져있는 정보를 모아서 공부를 해야 하는 것이 사실이고 마땅히 물어볼 곳을 찾는것도 시간이 걸립니다. SBA가 이런 정보의 공유/ 취합및 모든 프로젝트들은 우수한 프로그래머들이 있기 때문에, 이들의 지식들을 공유했을 경우 새로운 개발자들이 더욱더 빨리 정착할 수 있을것으로 보입니다.

  • 스팀 커뮤니티 성장 - 이것은 방법은 여러가지가 있겠지만, 아마도 구체적인 것들은 논의해서 정해야할 것으로 생각됩니다.

  • 스팀 블록체인 마케팅 - 사실 스팀잇 재단이 해야할 일입니다. 하지만 제가 아직도 스팀에 투자해있는 중요한 이유중 하나가 막강한 커뮤니티가 존재하기 때문입니다. 스팀잇 재단이 리소스상 못하는 마케팅을 소규모로 운영하는 스팀기반 댑들이 혼자서 할 수 있을리는 없습니다. 하지만 그들이 리소스를 나눠서 같이 운영하고 미팅을 통해서 마케팅 플랜을 수립하면 이는 그래도 중소기업의 파워 이상은 나올 수 있을것으로 생각됩니다. 더 중요한 것은, 스팀잇 재단에는 마케팅을 “잘”하는 사람은 특별히 없는 듯 합니다. (이것은 순전히 지금까지 해온 마케팅을 봤을때 개인적인 생각입니다.) 하지만 각 댑들의 인원들이 모이고, 추가로 새로운 댑들이 유입되었을 때 이 시너지는 분명히 커질 수 있기 때문에 기대하는 부분중 하나입니다.

추가적으로, 모든 프로젝트들은 스팀 기반으로 운영했을 때 부딪히는 문제점들이 비슷합니다. 스팀 외부에서 새로운 사용자 유입, 어뷰징 문제등. 그리고 각기 다른 해결책과 리소스를 투자해서 만들고 있는 것이죠. 협업을 통해서 이런 부분을 줄일 수 있을 때 참여하는 모든 멤버들에게는 분명히 이익이 있을것으로 보입니다.

4. 로드맵

a. 단기플랜

  • 랜딩페이지 만들기
  • 모범사례/ 실패 사례 공유

b. 중기플랜

  • 새로운 비즈니스 컨설팅및 온보딩
  • 스팀 생태계에 기여 (예, full node 운영등)
  • 커뮤니티에 도움이될 IP (Intellectual Property) 공유

c. 중장기 플랜

  • SBA 컨퍼런스 개최 - 요거 재미있겠네요..
  • 투자자, 고객, 개발자와 스티미언을 모아서 스팀 해커톤 개최

5. 기타 등등

추진해야하거나 이미 추진된 것들

  • 창립 문서 작성
  • Governance 문서 작성
  • 따로 생성된 토큰을 기반으로 된 SBA의 보팅 시스템 개발.
  • SBA 멤버 소개 홈페이지 작성

6. 개인적인 생각

우선 스팀잇 잉크가 하지 못하는 많은 일들을 필요에 의해서 스팀 기반 댑/프로젝트들이 직접 여기저기서 나서는 모습이 좋습니다. @coingecko도 협업에 대한 관심을 표했고, @tasteem, @trips.teem, @ntopaz, @steemmonsters 도 참여를 하면 이익이 될 것으로 생각됩니다. 특히 새로운 프로젝트들이 더욱 쉽게 빠르게 성공할 수 있는 기반이 마련되어 진다면 이는 EOS나 Tron에서 모두 독고다이로 생존해야하는 분위기와는 다른 정말 커뮤니티에 의해 빠르게 성장을 할 수 있는 유일한 생태계가 될 것으로 보여집니다. 또한 길게 봤을때 어서 SMT가 나와야 많은 프로젝트들이 날개를 펴는 것도 사실입니다.

현재 스팀엔진을 통한 토큰 발행도 진행되고 있지만, 사실상 이 시스템이 DEX 말고 기존 거래소에서 거래될 확률은 현재로는 비교적 적은 것도 사실입니다. 스팀 기반 생성된 토큰들이 살기 위해서는 스팀엔진과 같은 움직임도 중요하나 우선은 거래소들이 스팀 기반 토큰들을 지금이라도 런칭하게 하기 위해서는 ERC-20과 같은 방식을 채택하고 이에 대한 추후 swapping을 보장받아야 합니다. 결국 외부 투자자 유입과 밀착하게 연관되어 있습니다. 현재 스팀헌트가 데이빗과 하고자 하는 움직임이 그것이구요.

데이빗과 네고를 위해서 높은 증인 순위가 도움이 된다고 해서 혹시 아직 스팀헌트에 증인 보팅을 안하신 분들은 한번씩 부탁을 드리겠습니다. ^^

**[스팀헌트 증인 보팅 하기](https://steemconnect.com/sign/account_witness_vote?approve=1&witness=steemhunt)**

[Steemhunt] Hunted products analytics


Hi, @jayplayco here.

I have done some number crunching based on open numbers to see how Steemhunt is moving forward in a bear market like now.

0. Repository


1. How To.

I have gathered the information on the @steemhunt account, as they are publishing a daily report about how many hunts have been verified and how much SBD the hunts have created. (The SBD created includes the voting from the Steemhunt account). Additionally, I have gathered information from coinmarketcap.com to include the historical price data of STEEM. Based on this data I used the following formula to get an average value for a daily Steem price cleaned data.

Daily gathered SBD / Daily Steem Price = Average Value

The data is based on the last 3 month beginning from 15th of November 2018 to 14th of February 2019.

2. Products

![](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmUm9zNrdYwLeGaJuHZa88gSZ3X4Ffe9JVQ1Ywrp61R5J9/image.png) **Daily hunted products**

We have a glitch at the beginning of February and it was due to a system upgrade of Steemhunt. The graph looks like as the hunts are on a similar level, but if we dive into the details it shows a bit different picture.

  • Average hunted products Nov. 15-Dec. 14 : 151.6 products
  • Average hunted products Dec. 15-Jan. 14 : 138.97 products
  • Average hunted products Jan. 15-Feb. 14 : 164.78 products

The total average for all three months is 151.7 products and the activity in December was a bit slower. It may has to do with the holidays in December or also with the average Steem price, which was at a level of 0.27USD in the second period compared to 0.37USD in Nov. 15- Dec.14.
The good part is, that the average hunted products are increasing again and are now on a level of 164.78 products per day.

2. Products vs. SBD


Based on the hunted products number the daily generated SBD reward is moving on a similar level.


If we want to look into the rewards, we have also to look into the relation with historical Steem prices.

![](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmREQxaLHt7zFHgmUa2EDbaUxE8jFqg2MKEhNpNxGxguCF/image.png) **Generated SBD rewards at Steemhunt**

Similar to the generated SBD rewards we can see as the Steem price is declining, the rewarded SBD is also declining. The main reason here is that the SBD’s generated as the reward at Steemhunt is still mainly created by the main account @steemhunt which leads to a proportional high relation to the Steem price. As soon as Steemhunt’s user base is growing rapidly, this picture would change.

3. Average daily Value

![](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmVHKLNt69T9EYLshaV27LQnHZdnEXpN8hfq3QxMEDrApk/image.png) **Average Daily Value**

Daily gathered SBD / Daily Steem Price = Average Value

The average daily value is giving a picture of a comparable value of Steemhunt’s generated rewards. It also shows a slight decrease, so let’s get into details here.

  • Average Value Nov. 15-Dec. 14 : 1253 points
  • Average Value Dec. 15-Jan. 14 : 1328 points
  • Average Value Jan. 15-Feb. 14 : 1021 points

These numbers are interesting, as we can compare it with the average of hunted products. It shows a different picture and gives us the insight that we had the highest average value points between Dec.15-Jan. 14 and that it is decreasing very fast in the most recent term to 1021 points. It may is in relevance with the fact Steemhunt had decided to decrease the HUNT token rewards end of January or it could point (supposing that the rewarding part of the account @steemhunt is on a similar level) that fewer users are curating and upvoting at Steemhunt since a month.

So could this be a problem?

![](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmebgERzjoBd8yarTWiLypkxV4HdeXF3xuC8ubR3taw9R3/image.png) [Source: StateofDapps](https://www.stateofthedapps.com/dapps/steemhunt)

If we have a look at https://www.stateofthedapps.com/ and see how the development of user engagement is, it actually looks ok. It means that even when the daily reward pool (upvoting users) may shrink for the moment, Steemhunt got more active users on their platform (which is based on different kind of activities). So, in my opinion, it is a short reaction and will recover again.

4. Average daily Value based on Weekdays


Most rewards are created on Tuesday. Saturday and Sunday seem to have the least upvoting activities from hunters. We can assume that active Steemhunt users could plan on posting on Tuesdays.

![](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmNiMVuKZBUpvi1HPJmYzgGfCyju4ZTaNB6Nzh1HHgLSnV/image.png) **Daily hunted products**

And looking into the numbers shows that Tuesday is really the day with the most hunted products. On the other side, if the hunter would like to have a better chance to rank, they should target a Sunday or Monday, as these days are the least crowded days. If you look into the upvoting pattern, Monday would be the best day to give your hunt a better chance for a good ranking.

5. Conclusion

Even on this bearish market, we can see that Steemhunt is keeping a good pace. The number of hunted products are increasing again, there are fewer hunters upvoting the hunts, but the active user number is increasing, which could be interpreted that more new hunters are active.

[Steemhunt] Getting Steem based projects out to the real world.

Hi, @jayplayco here!

Since the layoff of about 70 employees from Steemit Inc. and the announcement of delays of SMT, there is a lot going on (positively) on Steem.

One of the parts is that some Steem based projects started to take the matters in their own hands to speed up the establishment of our Steem environment.

0. Repository


1. Token System

Blockchain environments like Ethereum, EOS, and Tron are partly very successful because they deliver the possibility to create own tokens. STO concentrated tokens like Polymath is, as an example, build on smart contracts from Ethereum. Beside Steem, EOS, Tron and Ethereum are the blockchains with most of active Dapps available.

![](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmUXPKz1TkfeqKV2vTy1RTu8qkzsA8hBYAAWurst2DJTR1/image.png) Source: StateofDApps.com, Dappradar.com

Based on StateofDApps, Steem based Dapps rank quite well with 5 Dapps in the top 10 and 8 Dapps in the top 20. Steem is not yet represented at DappRadar.com and therefore the ranking is mainly covered with projects from EOS and Tron.

2. Steem based Tokens and SMT

If we have a closer look at different blockchains and the Dapps represented there, we can find different financial systems, games, gambling Dapps and interfaces like Steemit, eSteem or Busy. If we exclude this kind of Dapps, most of the real world adaptation based service Dapps like @actifit, @steemhunt, @fundition, @trips.teem, @tasteem, etc. are actually based on Steem. A difficulty for Steem based Dapps is, that most of them have planned their own token economy but are not able to launch their token system because of the delay of SMT. So we have now two different movements on the Steem blockchain to get through this difficulty.

a. Steemengine

[(Source)](https://steemit.com/steemengine/@aggroed/introducing-steem-engine-com) Steemengine is somehow a replacement or earlier alternative for an SMT-lite version. You can create tokens with smart contracts on a sidechain platform which is built on the top of the Steem Blockchain. The process is fast and easy even for non-developers (I was able to create a test token in about 2 min.) and a very important part is that Steemengine is preparing also an internal DEX, which enables the tokens to be traded directly from token XXX to STEEM or SBD.

It is based on a javascript from @harpagon open and available at the following GitHub repository. Also, @aggroed and @yabapmatt are involved in this project. As always it seems that @steemmonsters is also preparing a token on their own and to be able to move forward they just co-created a whole token economy system around and opened it for other projects either.

In combination with Steem Keychain transferring tokens and using them this environment could be interesting for projects that would not need the inflation function like @magicdice or @steemmonsters.

b. ERC-20 until SMT with inflation

[Source: Chris Liverani](https://unsplash.com/photos/dBI_My696Rk) For projects like @steemhunt or @trips.teem, the inflation function of SMT is a core of their token economy. So, in the end, this kind of projects will have to wait for @steemit to get a functional SMT including the inflation function. If Steemengine is a project that tries to establish an SMT lite version including a DEX before an SMT starts, projects like @steemhunt are preparing themselves for a later launch of SMT. Steemhunt [announced ](https://steemit.com/steemhunt/@steemhunt/making-steem-trading-pairs-for-smt-to-potentially-reach-top-20-exchange-term-14-influencers-or-sponsor-report-42) that they are currently preparing an IEO and also started to negotiate with exchanges to enable SMT based tokens a listing on them. Their main partner for this is [Daybit](https://daybit.com/). We could now ask ourselves why Daybit and not another exchange, but for that, we have to understand some mechanism of exchanges. As SMT is not considering to launch an own DEX at the moment, this means that a DEX is NOT included in the protocol and to be able to trade SMT based tokens, you will need a centralized exchange. A lot of exchanges are not developing their own software but running on white label software. That means that the exchanges are depending on the white label software developer which coins and tokens they actually can list or not. So you have to find an exchange that is big enough (and does have enough potential), also have the developing power to be able to integrate a new standard and having the intention to list a Steem based project token including the new environment.

As far as I know, Steemhunt has spoken with a lot of different potential partners and Daybit seems to have the fastest and biggest impact to launch Steem based tokens.

The Daybit team seem to be very supportive, as they are discussing the implementation of,

  • Listing STEEM/SBD
  • Create STEEM-paired market section
  • Evaluate SMT based project tokens
  • Swap temporary ERC20 to SMT tokens later
  • Fundraise SMT projects via IEO

Unfortunately, nothing of the above is still decided except an MOU, but I think the team is on a good way to reach their goals.

The important part is, that whether Steemhunt or other SMT based projects counting on the inflation function will need at least a centralized exchange to be able to trade and market their tokens to a wider customer base.

3. Conclusion

A lot of Steem based projects are moving forward, regardless or actually because of the movement of Steemit Inc. Either it is a token creation system or preparing the delayed introduction of SMT, it is great to see that the community is working together for a better Steem environment.

[Steemhunt] Webpage Update


Hi @jayplayco here.

The web version of Steemhunt got an update and I would like to have a short view into it.

If you get into the page at www.steemhunt.com you will see on the left side that the view got updated. We have still the same BI and colors but the information on the site has been updated. As Steemhunt is growing and despite the current developing situation of SMT, the service is moving on to engage more users to its service. Streamlining the first page of Steemhunt is one of these tasks and has been just finished.

0. Repository


1. Stats


a. Number of products

You will find important numbers under Stats which is showing how many products have been hunted until now since March 2018. These numbers are showing only the verified hunts, which means that Steemhunt moderators have been moderated much more hunts. The pass rate has been always under 90% and before changing the posting guideline it was even under 70%. Based on this percentage we can assume that Hunters have submitted more than 50K hunts until now.

b. Highest amount earned for a post

247.13$ (STU) was the highest amount for a single hunt. This number will stay at it is until Steem will increase in value or Steemhunt is changing the ranking upvoting algorithm again. In the beginning, the voting for ranking was based on the ranking itself, so that the first place got a 100% upvoting from the @steemhunt account. Unfortunately the abusing took overhand and was the base ground to develop the first version of ABV and finally evolved to the current Hunter level based voting. I am sure that even with the current Hunter level based upvoting, that Steemhunt will be able to show an even higher STU for the highest amount of post in the near future. (As Steem will pick up and recover soon :))

c. Average reward for hunt posts

3.52$ STU is actually a very interesting number. You are only able to get an upvoting from the Steemhunt account if you are above a hunter level 1. Additionally, your HUNT token stake is also counted into your level which decides the final reward. The average means that if a hunter is actively participating at Steemhunt you can aim for a reward of 3.52$ STU, which can be a good (additional) income source in some regions.

2. How To (Dig More, Earn More, How?)


The next section is a short and crisp explanation what Steemhunt is about and how to engage. This is mostly concentrating on an easy explanation for users that never have been engaged with Steemhunt.

  • It is starting with the main activity for visitors that Steemhunt is a place where you can actually discover new and cool products.
  • The next point gives a short explanation on how the community works, without getting too much into heavy details. The section explains that a user can discuss a product or upvote a product if they like it.
  • The last point concentrates on the reward part, which is unique due to the Steem BC economy and let Steemhunt stood out compared to other product ranking sites.

3. Currencies


It is important to enable a new visitor to have a soft landing on your service. Therefore we can see that the funneling of information started with the overall service and ends with a short explanation of how and with what you are rewarded. External links explaining what Steem as currency and HUNT token as currency gives a new user the ability to dig deeper if needed.

The difference for hunters at the moment is, that the reward for hunters post or comment is rewarded in Steem and additionally in HUNT tokens. HUNT tokens can also be gained with different airdrop activities, which has a wider reward spectrum on community activities.

4. Conclusion

Based on the new design it is, compared to the version before, much more streamlined for users outside of Steem. It is a general homework for all Steem based Dapps to reach users outside of Steem economy to increase the user base. (Not only for the Dapp but also for the whole Steem economy) Starting with the main page to enable a soft landing of new users, not knowing about Steem, is a good idea. Combined with social media activities I think we have a great base to attract users.

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