Star Wars™ TIE Desk Lamp - Officially licensed Star Wars™ TIE Lighter desk lamp

Star Wars™ TIE Desk Lamp

Officially licensed Star Wars™ TIE Lighter desk lamp



Hunter’s comment

A desk lamp in the design of Starwars Tie fighter.

Specification below are from the selling page.
-Officially licensed Star Wars™ TIE Lighter poseable desk lamp
-Take the fight to Red Squadron
-Stands approx. 60 cm tall when extended
-Based on the classic Anglepoise light design
-USB Powered (includes 3 metre micro USB cable)
-Great Star Wars gift for him
-Size: 31cm x 23.5cm x 5.5cm (12.2” x 9.25” x 2.16”)
-Shipping weight: 1.25 kg

Now able to preorder.


Hunter: @jayplayco

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Pico U - Brew Everything

Pico U

Brew Everything



Hunter’s comment

A machine that can brew coffee, tea, fusion beverages, CRAFT BEER, kombucha and dry soda.

That is a crazy machine!

The Pico U is a relatively small smart brewing appliance with the goal to make it easy to brew almost anything at home.

They are also selling so called Picopaks, which are fully compostable ingredient bundles, designed to make an array of perfectly brewed beverages.


They are mainly controlling the temperature to control the taste of the beverage. Additionally the brewing mixture is send to the right place following the preprogrammed recipe. This is called fusion control.

They are currently running a Kickstarter and the a basic is available at 179USD and a deluxe at 199USD. As the basic product can only handle coffee and tea it should be recommend to get the deluxe version for 20 bucks more.


Hunter: @jayplayco

This is posted on Steemhunt - A place where you can dig products and earn STEEM. [View on](

스팀 배우기 - 보팅파워 알아보기 - 무조건 보팅은 좋지 않다

이제 스팀을 시작한지 얼마 안되어서 공부도 하고, 이 커뮤니티가 어떻게 작동하는지도 차차 알아가고 있는 중이다.
이해했던 바는 업보팅을 하게 되면 일명 큐레이션을 하면서 글이 모아오는 돈의 일부를 받을 수 있다는 이해였다.

그래서 저는 열심히 많은 글에 보팅을 하였습니다. 하루에 시간날때만다 들어가서 마음에 드는 글에 보팅을 하였습니다. 조금 덜 마음에 들어도 보팅을 해보았지요. 잘 모르니까요.

그런데 처음에 사들였던 스팀파워로 보팅시마다 글에 지급된다고 하는 $가 적어지는것을 보면서… 어랏.. 이라는 생각이 들더군요.

자세히 알아보니, 보팅에도 보팅 파워라는 것이 있습니다. 원리는 다음과 같습니다.

1. 보팅 파워

토탈 100%를 기준으로 현재 자기가 가지고 있는 스팀파워 (steem power)를 기반으로 100% 보팅을 할때 마다 보팅 파워가 2% 떨어집니다. 이는 하드포크 19회차 이후로 갖춰진 것으로 보여집니다. 즉, 하루에 보팅을 약 50회정도 할 경우 자신의 보팅파워는 그날 0%가 되어버리며, 실제로 스팀파워를 많이 갖고 있는다고 해도 자신의 보팅은 큰 영향을 줄 수 없고, 가장 중요한 것은 큐레이션을 통한 자신의 보상도 없거나 매우 적다는 것입니다.

2. 하루 100% 보팅 50회만?


보팅을 100%로 한다는 것은 보팅시 저런 작은 팝업 창이 떠서 자기의 스팀파워 100%로 보팅할지 50%로 할지 정할 수 있다는 것입니다. 일부 스팀파워가 부족한 뉴비의 경우에는 뜨지 않는다고도 하더군요. (필자는 그냥 스팀파워를 구매해버리니 저 바가 뜨더군요) 글이 마음에 드는데 보팅을 너무 많이 하면 안되니, 이 글은 조금만 마음에 들어서 예를 들어 10%로 보팅을 할 경우 하루에 500회 보팅을 하면 보팅 파워가 0%가 되겠죠.

3. 보팅 파워 회복

그러면 보팅 파워가 다음날 다시 100%가 되는가? 그렇지 않다!! 하루에 20%만 재충전이 되는 관계로 0%가 되었을때는 최소 5일이 지나야 보팅 파워가 다시 100%가 된다. (예로 현재 필자는 보팅파워가 25% 미만으로 떨어진 상태라, 약 4일 이상을 보내야 다시 100% 가 될것으로 보인다.

4. 자기의 보팅파워 확인

관리를 하고자 하면 보팅파워가 어떠게 되는지 확인이 가능해야겠죠자기이름쓰기

이렇게 주소창에 입력을 하게 되면 왼쪽 위에 안내창안에 보팅파워가 보입니다.


5. 현명한 보팅의 사용

그러면 어떻게 하면 보팅을 잘 해서 큐레이션을 많이 받을 수 있을까? 가능하면 자신의 보팅 파워를 80% 이하로 떨어뜰이지 않는 것이 좋다. 이는 100% 보팅시 하루에 11번 이상 보팅하지 않는 것이 좋다는 것이다. 더 많은 보팅을 하고 싶다면 보팅 % 바가 있을 경우 100% 에서 50%던 10%던 낮춰서 보팅을 하면 보팅 수를 더욱더 늘릴 수 있을것이라고 생각된다.

필자도 앞으로는 무조건적인 보팅이 아닌 현명한 선택을 통한 보팅을 할 생각이다.

그래도 이 글을 읽은 분들은 이 글에 보팅은 꼭 해주시면 정말 감사하겠습니다.~ ^^


참조글 :

Paypal / Google Partnership - PayPay in-Store, online and in-app with Google Play

Paypal / Google Partnership

PayPay in-Store, online and in-app with Google Play



Hunter’s comment

As we know PayPal is one of the biggest payment gateways which are used in the western world for ecommerce.

The company has now announced that they are partnering with Google Play to make it easier to pay for this services.

The service is for users in the US and if they add Paypal to one of the Google services, they will be able to pay across the Google ecosystem.

If you are using an Android phone and are used to pay for apps, this could make it a bit easier to pay for anything within Google`s services.


Hunter: @jayplayco

This is posted on Steemhunt - A place where you can dig products and earn STEEM. [View on](

Volterman - World’s Most Powerful Smart Wallet


World’s Most Powerful Smart Wallet



Hunter’s comment

I am personally using a wallet from a kickstarter project and I think that they have from time to time really innovative concepts.

Most of this wallets are for men and also this new wallet, claiming to be smart is mostly attractive for men.

• Built-in Powerbank (from 2,000 to 5,000 mAh)
• Distance Alarm
• Global GPS Tracking
• Worldwide WiFi Hotspot
• Thief Detection Camera.


So let`s start with the powerbank. Depending if you choose the cardholer, small wallet or the passport version it comes each with 2000mAh, 2600mAh or 5000mAh. With 2000mAh or 2600mAh it will be not enough to fully load a newer highend smartphone, but it would be enough to keep your phone alive until you find the next spot to charge it properly.

The charging function can be used with an additional cable. The highlight is that it can be charged also wirelessly. Yeah, that is cool!

Distance Alarm / Bluetooth

The next function is a Bluetooth enabled distance alarm, which let you know if you left your wallet behind. This is actually a function which I wish I have some times, as my wallet often slips out from my pocket.

Global Wi-Fi Hotspot

The wallet also has a Wi-Fi Hotspot included. It seems there is either a Sim or E-Sim card included with an worldwide roaming data service. Unfortunately the detail page does not give enough information about the possible roaming cost, which provider they are using, if it is a SIM or E-SIM etc. The only part they are mentioning is, that it is about 3 times cheaper than normal roaming. We should keep it mind that data roaming abroad is still really expensive, so I don`t know if this is really a hot deal.. Anyhow, another part which makes this an important feature is the next function.

Global GPS Tracking
Global GPS Tracking. Yeah, that is really cool. As it seems that the wallet has at least a 3G module included, it is not far away to include also a GPS-A chip, which seems to be the case here. With this function and having at least a 2K mAh battery included, you can be sure that you can track your wallet, as long as it is on plane sight~. That is a real cool function!

Anti Thief Camera You can have optionally (for free) a tiny camera installed into your wallet, so it can send the photos to you when you get the wallet into lost mode.
An overview about the 3 different models are like below.,w_695/v1498596954/qwew2ttyesv9pn2r4gl5.png,w_695/v1500475273/n071vcwwaohhz0py9771.png


The normal Bifold wallet costs 169USD in the Pre Order and would be available in January 2019. The team is working to make the wallet water and shockproof, so if they delivery the product as promised this is a very attractive wallet to get.

Personally I liked the fact that I can have global tracking of my wallet, because even if the cash is lost, I prefer to get all my identities and cards back, if possible. There are still a lot of good Samaritans out there, but it is always better to be prepared.


Hunter: @jayplayco

This is posted on Steemhunt - A place where you can dig products and earn STEEM. [View on](

스팀잇 글쓰기와 스팀파워 - 완전 초보자용

스팀잇을 가입하고 어떻게 하면 내가 쓴 글들이 잘 읽힐 수 있을까를 고민하다가, 역시 각각의 커뮤니티에서 적용되는 룰들은 조금씩 다른것을 알게 되었다.

스팀잇의 경우는 돈을 벌 수 있는 방법은 자신의 글에 업보팅을 통해 받을 수 있는데,
이것도 각 사람의 업보팅 (즉 스팀잇의 좋아요)이 같은 힘을 가지는 것이 아니라는 것을 어느정도지나니까 알게 되었다.

일명 “고래” 들이 갖고 있는 스팀 파워의 크기를 바탕으로 보팅을 할 경우 그에 대한 보상도 커지고 결국 많은 스팀파워를 가진 사람들의 보팅및 관심을 받는것이 자신의 글도 알리고 보상도 많이 받을 수 있는 방법이다.

반대로 업보팅을 직접 많이 할 경우에도 이에 대한 보상이 옵니다.

좋은 내용들을 업보팅을 한 사람들에게도 그 노력의 댓가를 주는 셈인것이다.

그럼 스팀파워를 얻을 수 있는 방법은 어떤 것이 있을까? 총 3가지정도로 구분할 수 있다.

  1. 글을 써서 업보팅을 많이 받고 그에 따른 보상을 스팀파워로 전환한다.
  2. 다른 좋은 글들에 업보팅을 통해서 큐레이션 보상을 받고 이를 스팀파워로 전환한다.
  3. 그냥 산다.

그렇다.. 스팀파워는 돈을 주고 살 수 도 있다. 각 시세에 맞게 이더리움을 스팀으로 전환할 수 있으며, 스팀파워를 구매한 후 업보팅을 했을 경우 업보팅을 해준 글에 대한 보상도 올라간다.

가장 손쉽고 빠르게 스팀파워를 늘리기에는 역시 구매를 하는 것이 좋긴 하나, 그에 따른 비용이 발생하며, 현시점에서 1이더당 약 200스팀파워를 지급하고 있는 상황에서 최소 100스팀파워를 얻기 위해서는 40-50만원정도는 투자를 해야 한다.

추천으로는 어느정도의 스팀파워를 구매해서 시작을 하면 조금더 수월한 스타를 할 수 있는 것은 사실이다.

Cold Brew on Tap 2.0 - An easy mess-free Cold Brew system for 10 cups

Cold Brew on Tap 2.0

An easy mess-free Cold Brew system for 10 cups



Hunter’s comment

I am a coffee addict an loving the good taste of a fresh brew coffee.
Lately, also for the summer time cold brew coffee is a great alternative. This product makes it easy for home to get around 10 cups of cold brew coffee with messing everything up.

-Rust-free airtight lid
-Adjustable spigot that makes serving fun and easy
-Custom designed fine-mesh filter
-Carrying handle
-Compact but generous 2 liter capacity (or 68 ounces)
-High-quality, BPA-free construction with unique design and ounce markings

For a price of 39USD (still some available) it is reasonable. For a later 89USD it seems a bit expensive.


Hunter: @jayplayco

This is posted on Steemhunt - A place where you can dig products and earn STEEM. [View on](

Gnarbox 2.0 SSD - A rugged backup device for content creators on the go

Gnarbox 2.0 SSD

A rugged backup device for content creators on the go



Hunter’s comment

This is the second version of the Gnarbox, as this team already launched a former product. This product is a huge upgrade from the first version, which has been launched also on kickstarter.

They added an OLED screen, 3200mAh, 7.4V lithium-ion removeable battery, so you can change the battery after some time. Alo the addition of a fast SSD drive up to 1TB is better than a previous HDD. Intel Quadcore 2.4Ghz CPU, 4 Core Intel HD Graphics GPU, WiFi, and 2/4 GB Ram are completing the Gnarbox 2.0

Pricerange is from 299-699USD depending on the specification.

The main features for this product are

  • One-Touch Backup: Quickly perform backups without your phone or tablet in one touch using the on-board OLED screen and buttons.
  • Preset Folder Trees: Access your preset folder trees for organized backups.
  • Checksum Verification: Receive a checksum verification on transfers to give you confirmation on every byte.
  • 75MB/s to 450MB/s Transfers: Backup with speeds up to 75MB/s using the SD Card slot or 450MB/s via USB-C.

It can be ordered for the next 7 days and will be delivered in December 2018.


  1. Good for backing up photos and content on the go.
  2. SSD Backup
  3. Good Speed
  4. One touch backup with display
  5. Don`t need a laptop to backup your photos.


  1. For a 128GB it costs 299USD where you can get a 128GB SD card for 40USD


Hunter: @jayplayco

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3D print yourself! Pocketme - A full body 3D printing service to create a 3d portrait

3D print yourself! Pocketme

A full body 3D printing service to create a 3d portrait



Hunter’s comment

It was always a dream to have a 3D printed portrait from my family. There are now several services outside where you create a fully 3d printed minime of yourself.

The difficulty is to find a place near to you to do the full body scan and the prices are still high, but… the results look awesome.

Below is the text from pocketme:

Photographs are great, but as humans we’re programmed to see and feel in 3D. A PocketMe is a great alternative or complement to photographs for:

family portraits, custom sports trophies, holiday gifts, wedding cake toppers, uniformed occupation portraits, charting your children’s growth, keepsakes of grandparents, graduation portraits, fashion shoots, prom portraits, video game models, pregnancy portraits….

…In short: if your memories deserve depth, you deserve a PocketMe.


Hunter: @jayplayco

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RAV Power 22000mAh 3xUSB - Portable Charger RAVPower 22000mAh with 3USB each 2.4A

RAV Power 22000mAh 3xUSB

Portable Charger RAVPower 22000mAh with 3USB each 2.4A



Hunter’s comment

An Amazon choice product with high power of 22000mAh and 3x USB with 2.4A each output, which means that you can charge your phones and other products really fast. It does not support Qualcomm highspeed charge. You can find inside the product following : : Lifetime Warranty Card, RAVPower Ace Series 22000mAh Portable Charger, 2 x Micro USB Charging Cables, Carry Pouch, User Guide


Hunter: @jayplayco

This is posted on Steemhunt - A place where you can dig products and earn STEEM. [View on](
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